Lunt 130mm LS130MT/B1200R&P Universal OTA – Day & Night Precision
The Lunt 130 mm Universal Telescope offers the ultimate in viewing, containing a precision-aligned triplet ED Lens with a 130 mm aperture that allows you to delve into the Sun’s stunning features or take a trip through the night sky. Hot spots, prominences and more explode into view as you tune using the hydrogen alpha module — and the night sky will never feel closer to Earth once the stars come out. This stunning lens will take you on a trip through the cosmos!
Lunt’s Universal Telescopes support multiple wavelength configurations. Simply swap out your hydrogen alpha module for a white light wedge or a Calcium K module for a true “blue” view. Or, replace the H-alpha module with the focuser of your choice. Now you have a top-of-the-line, extra-low dispersion (ED) nighttime telescope to view planets, stars, the Moon and anything else in between!
The Lunt 130 mm Universal Telescope does it all — with room to spare!
- Never look directly at the Sun with the naked eye or with an optic (unless you have the proper solar filter). Permanent and irreversible eye damage may result.
- Never use your optic to project an image of the Sun onto any surface. Internal heat build-up can damage the optic and any accessories attached to it.
- Never leave your optic unsupervised. Make sure an adult who is familiar with the correct operating procedures is with your optic at all times, especially when children are present.
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